Results up for EAL Home Match

Results are now on Power of 10 for the EAL home match from 26th May.

West Suffolk Shot Competition

WEST SUFFOLK SHOT COMPETITION Date:       Tuesday 25th May 2021 Time:      Report 6.30 pm Venue:    West Suffolk Athletics Arena, Beetons Way,                 Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3TT Fee £6 Pay on the night…


Training is now back on, again!!! Training sessions are now open to members and then new athletes subject to space. Members can book onto sessions by replying to the bookings emails being sent out by the club secretary each week. You may only attend…


Training is now back on!!! Currently training sessions are open to members only. Members can book onto sessions by replying to the bookings emails being sent out by the club secretary. You may only attend a session if you have booked first Those wishing…

East Anglian League 2019

East Anglian League 2019 Well done to all the athletes who competed in the EAL this season. Congratulations to the following three age groups who have made the final to be held at home in Bury St Edmunds on the 8th September: U13 Boys…